"Among some talk of you and me...": Fibre-cakes

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I've tried and failed several times to blog about my week back in Saint John, and I'm going to give up now. I don't have the words to describe the feeling of "family" and "home'. And I certainly don't have the words to describe how I can feel happy both here and there. So just know that my kids dyed my hair pink - just a few strips. And some orange as well. And that Evelyn is going to be an awesome guitar player. And that Sheila is starting college in just a few days, and I wish I could be there for her. And that Gracie let me cut her hair (my first hair-cut ever). And that I love my roommate. And that I love the Youngs, and the Myers. And that I'm going back in September for another visit.

Some good news --- I can keep my doctor in Saint John! I talked to Nova Scotia Heath, and to my doctor, and both are fine with it. My worries are melting away!

My cholesterol is ridiculously high, both good and bad (like, good is supposed to be 3, and I'm 5, and bad is supposed to be 4, and I'm 7... I think I got that right), so I need to go hard-core on a heart-healthy diet. I would be on medication, but since I don't have any other risk factors (I'm not old, my weight is perfect for my height, etc.) diet is the first go. High fibre, low fat. Unfortunately, I don't eat a lot of junk to begin with, so there's not a lot to cut out --- just a lot to add in.

So far, I've switched from butter to non-hydrogenated Omega-3 loaded margarine, and from 1% to skim. I've also bought one of those high-fibre cereals that tastes like health. Today I ground some of it up and mixed it with pancake mix, and it was yummy. I am also going 100% off of deep fried, which will be hard for me, because I love chips and fries and battered seafood, even though I don't have it all that often.

4 months from now I'll get retested. Hopefully things will be dramatically enough improved that I can welcome back the deep fried. It's possible that stress had a lot to do with it, so now that I'm no longer stressed about essentially anything, perhaps things have already improved. 4 months without fries. I wonder if I'll be able to do it. I don't want to cheat at all, because a heart attack is near the end of my list of fun things to do.

Did I mention my hair is pink? Bright pink. Vibrant.

I found out that my work end date is actually September 21st, which works out better because it means I can go to ministerial at Beulah...which means I can stay for extra days and visit. This is good news.

On Wednesday, I have a meeting with an organization that counsels and finds grants for young entrepreneurs. I'd like to open my own business doing printing and web design, just something to do on the side since there's no where around here that's doing it. Maybe. We'll see.

I like peaches. There were peaches at the Youngs. I miss them. (The Youngs, not the peaches.)

Paul has his first youth events next week.


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