"Among some talk of you and me...": I am disappointed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am disappointed.

CSI blew.

I know I can't be totally objective, but I think I'm objective enough to say that watching that episode, and really the whole series, was a waste of my time. This episode was what was needed to make the whole series worth it, and they blew it. Big time.

Not only was the ending completely unsatisfying, with Sara (Jorja Fox) taking her leave as scheduled but in the worst and stupidest way, but the whole story line was dull and ridiculous. In my opinion.

It wouldn't be so bad if there was some guarantee she'd be back for guest spots. When Mulder left the X-Files, I stopped watching, but then when he came back for the last few episodes, it brought the closure that was needed and when I caught up on DVD I was able to enjoy it all. Now, Jorja MIGHT come back. If I knew for sure, then I could probably keep watching and not feel so shafted. But if this was the END, then for crying out loud.. that sucked!


I know it's just TV, and it won't matter tomorrow, but right now, when I was expecting to be watching the episode a second time (thanks to ExpressVu time shifting) to enjoy it's Grissom-Sara angsty goodness, instead I felt the need for a good rant.

At least I don't have to watch the show anymore. I'll catch up on DVD if it stops sucking. But until then, CSI, you are dead to me.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I felt the exact same way. This entire season has been a let down.

11:29 a.m.

Blogger Sanda said...

Hmm, yesss...CSI has turned into somewhat of a disappointment. Really all I want is more Nick and Warwick. But this GSR thing is not turning out as I had sort of hoped. I am going to keep watching, but I hope that things turn around. I enjoyed the beginning of the episode, but the ending was lame indeed.

11:06 p.m.


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