"Among some talk of you and me...": Exalt! 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Exalt! 2007

Wow. My body is so confused right now; it's not sure when to eat or sleep or provide adrenalin. After a week on a bus and doing concerts following a week of practice, practice, practice, I fear my body will never forgive me.

So worth it.

Exalt! 2007 is over, and while I'm glad because there's no way I could have sustained that pace for another day, I'm sad too, because Exalt! 2008 is a full year away. But by then I hope that I'll have some Woods Harbour kids to bring along for the ride.

I loved my band. And LOVE my band. So talented -- I wish I could take them with me where ever I go. And I loved watching the way that God worked in the teens' lives. Normally I'm rather opposed to "mountain top experiences" for teens, because I don't believe they always have the capacity to process them in ways that are helpful to their future development. But this was different somehow. I'll need to think about this more.

An aside: It was amazing how freeing it was to be a married woman travelling with a bunch of kids, as opposed to being a teenaged girl --- I really didn't give a rip whether I rolled onto the bus without make up, and didn't have to wake up 2 hours early just to get ready :)

Currently I'm in Fredericton at Geoff Hooper's place. Beulah is on, so we have to stick around for the meeting on Thursday (well, PAUL does --- I'll probably ditch at least part of it to spend time with people, now that I'm no longer "Pastor Renata"). My schedule for the week is as follows: Wednesday I'll head into Saint John to return this computer to the church, get a massage, stock up at MusicStop, and then head to Beulah to do the rounds before returning to Geoff's. Thursday is Beulah-day all day. Friday, we head to Woods Harbour.

Did I mention I haven't seen the house we're renting? Paul dealt wih the move while I was away with Exalt! (what a prince!), and so all our stuff is there and mostly unpacked. We'll probably look into buying fairly soon, but for right now I'll be happy to be settled.

The end.


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