"Among some talk of you and me...": Effie and the Swordfish

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Effie and the Swordfish

Today a random man brought me some swordfish. Okay, he wasn't SUPER random - he's a guy on (I think) our LBA. I realized that I REALLY need to remember to get DRESSED when I get up, because I was cleaning in my PJs when he arrived. ANYWAY, I had never eaten swordfish before, and had certainly never HANDLED fresh fish before. But I sliced myself some little steaks and fried them up. It has very little taste, so I LOVE IT! What a nice surprise!

Effie was 85 yesterday. I met her at prayer meeting. She and her husband Burt live a few houses down and across the road from us, and don't have a car anymore. I'm going to bring Effie to town (Barrington) tomorrow, and I can't wait! Our pastor says these are two of the most Godly people he's ever met, and they are pillars of the church. I would be happy to do nothing else but chauffer them around for the rest of the year.

Unfortunately, I need to find a job so that we can keep gas in the car. Nuts.

So, my internet is not working at home -- it was, but then Paul tried to set up his new laptop on the network. Now neither the network or the internet is working. I'm at the public library in Barrington right now. It is small, but has 7 computers with internet access. So until OUR internet is fixed, I will only be online here.

Things that I noticed about yesterday (i.e. the CHANGE):

1. It's amazing to have things to do, but also time to do them. It's been a very long time since I've experienced that.
2. I am super glad that Esther (Weatherby - i.e. Mrs. Weatherby's daughter) Corey lives across the street from me. On Sunday night, we played hand and foot. Yesterday, I picked up a jacket Paul had left there, and we just visited. Because people do that here - just stop by, and visit.
3. Days are WAY longer here. Like, I feel like it's Friday, but it's only Wednesday. It wasn't expected it. Each day doesn't feel long itself, necessarily. Like, I'm not bored yet during the day. But the passage of time feels like it has slowed.
4. The water often looks like it's on fire, because of the fog coming off of it. The fog makes the sunshine that much more special.


Blogger Julie said...

Effie and Burt are awesome people. I love Effie. Tabor, Taylen and I went trick o treating at her house two years ago right and she was alot of fun. Her birthdya is also on our anniversary so I will never forget her. I am glad that you were able to take her Barrington. We get updates on how people are doing from Tabor's mom. I hope you enjoy living and working there.


9:50 p.m.

Blogger Sanda said...

ooohhh I love playing hand and foot!!! Eleanor taught me, it is fantastic!

Also, I used swordfish at camp last year for our Iron Chef activity period for Awards camp. It was awesome. The kids did such a great job cooking it. It was just lovely.

10:35 p.m.


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