ALIVE 2002. Jer, Sasha, A.J., Carl, Ben, and me. Fabulous experience, and one I just revisted. On VHS.
I "stole" David Klob's "Fun Camp Songs" tape from Diana's office on Wednesday because I had vague memories of MAKING said tape. I wanted to watch it for the medley where Sprinkles hit the REALLY high note, but it wasn't on there --- too bad. However, the rest was hilarious! And GOOD! Also, P7 did "Car, Dog, Fire Hydrant" and Sash and I did the actions. I miss you, Sashie.
Apparently Dave taped it over an existing BBC mismash. Oh, no wait. After the Encounter service I just watched (was that Jenny Leanna up there? The best part was that they had the camera set up in the back, so as people left, you could see them walking out - I'm pretty sure it must have been from my first year there, based on some of the faces I saw) began the Testify clips - really OLD Tesify (Rumple, Dave, Lynn, Sarah... and who were those other two?? I can't remember their names). I think the rest might be them. My brother Lynn is a good singer.
Yep, it just keeps going. Anyway, ALIVE, next time we can gather a few of us in the same province, we should get together for a viewing of this tape.