"Among some talk of you and me...": Baby Mania

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Baby Mania

It seems like so many of my friends from school are blogging about BABIES - either having them or wanting them. So, it seems like this would be good time and forum to announce that Paul and I are also expecting.

It would be a lie, of course. But a good time and place.

As long as I can remember, I haven't wanted to have kids. Part of it is probably being raised by a single mom --- no matter how much I would try to convince myself that a baby generally means a FATHER somewhere in the mix, my paradigm was always the sole responsibility for child and household fell to the mom by default. WAY too hard.

Part of it is probably my desire to feed hungry kids... other PEOPLE'S kids. How do you find time to do something like that when your OWN kid is always hungry?

And part of it is I'm just too selfish, I guess. I'm not ready to live totally for someone else just yet. Except Jesus, of course - and from day to day that can be iffy. Once I'm entirely sanctified, it'll be time for babies, I guess. How will THAT be for a testimony? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, sister. I share your sentiment.

10:02 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nata, as in Renata. Holy Crap! you're married?!? You're Pregnant?!? Wow I Definitly haven't seen you in a long time. Congratulations and congratulations again. Every once in a while my mind wanders "I wonder whatever happened with Renata." I'm glad things are looking good for you. email me sometime. sideshowchad@yahoo.ca
Anyway I'm working right now so I'll talk more to you later.

12:55 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh kay, maybe I should have read more than the first sentence. I was just excited I heard news about you.

12:56 a.m.

Blogger Lor & Josh said...

congratulations on not being pregnant.
and happy first day of December! ps...how's the feeding of hungry children going? or is it mostly feeding hungry husband right now? please say hi to your husband for me. merry almost Christmas. love, family.

8:50 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I suppose this is a good time and place to let you know--if you don't already--that Chris and I are expecting a baby in three months' time. It's a girl; her name is Charlotte Maria. Ready or not, my life belongs to her now, and despite the inevitable fears and ambivalences, that is the greatest joy I have ever known.

10:45 a.m.

Blogger Sanda said...

The physiothearpist my mom works with says he is too selfish to have children. One of the other woman who was having the conversation with my mom and Bill admonished him. Whereas my mom and I applaud him. Too often people make that conclusion AFTER they have children. As an adult child who's father has been selfish but has claimed saviour for his wife and children, it has not been a good journey and it has ultimately ended in a bitter divorce for my parents and feelings of bitterness from child to father.
As the Hobbesian that I am, I do assert that we are naturally selfish and promote our own self-preservation first. But I think that acknowledging selfish behaviours before having kids or deciding to have kids is a mature and wise thing to do. I wish my dad had thought of that first because having kids and then realizing your are selfish is too little, too late. Not that there isn't hope for redemption, but I think breaking the habits after having a kid is way harder.

3:30 p.m.


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