"Among some talk of you and me...": Illiteracy and me (Not to be mistaken for "BCO-Q, BCO-Me")

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Illiteracy and me (Not to be mistaken for "BCO-Q, BCO-Me")

So I decided I'd spice up my blog a bit with some new formatting. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal - after all, I was writing JavaScript before most platforms supported it (snaps to the Ontario school system).

And so I open up the template and start reading through the code. Wow - #1 thing that is NOT like riding a bike: THIS. I'm not sure what I needed to make room for, but somewhere along the line JavaScript did NOT make the cut and got tossed out of my brain.

Also not making the cut (having discovered it recently):
  1. The words to dcTalk's NuThang album
  2. What my junior kindergarten teacher looked like
  3. The name of my dog when I was a kid
  4. Where I put my Happy Bunny bandana
  5. My Stock XCHNG password
  6. Which one of the Ro boys (Jamie or David) I was supposed to be spotting in gym class on the trampoline station... and who fell when I left my post to early.
  7. The elaborate handshake my best friend Cressida and I spent hours perfecting in elementary school
  8. Pretty much everything I memorized for tests in college

Oh. I just remembered the name of my dog.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Agreed with the bittersweet feelings. my school was not oh so wonderful...and there was no learning JavaScript

4:38 a.m.

Blogger Sanda said...

haven't heard that for a while...though i do hear BCOQ a lot...sometimes when I hear it, I hear you singing BCO-Q, BCO-Me, but it's been awhile.

8:15 p.m.


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