"Among some talk of you and me...": Life update and recent discoveries

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Life update and recent discoveries

(On account of people finding lists so offensive, I will instead create a single paragraph containing short, unrelated sentences)

Paul is on staff at my church now. We're moving to a different apartment in July, and Paul is determined to get new furniture. I have purchased a violin, and can play several songs... badly. I think I only like the poem "The Raven" because I can hear James Earl Jones reading it in my head. Jer and Sarah are getting married. Paul's laptop doesn't have a "C". My cat gained 5 pounds in the span of one bag of expensive pet food. I recently conquered the stomach flu through Gravol and sheer will. I am rereading "Anna Karenin" by Leo Tolstoy. I miss my roommate Selinda. I am borrowing the entire Twin Peaks series on VHS in August from Connie. I don't have a work assignment at Beulah this year. I love my teens. Irving cleans their bathrooms everything 30 minutes. I've stopped watching "Mysterious Ways" because I've seen them all and it's no longer fun to watch the reruns. My favourite waitress Trisha moved back to Moncton, and I didn't get to say goodbye. I just remembered that Paul has yet to return his library book - Paul, return your library book.


Blogger matthew said...

1. I
2. Like
3. Lists

9:39 p.m.

Blogger Sarah Gomez said...

We're getting married, but we no longer know when.

I forget if I told you that already - just trying to spread the word.

Thanks for including us!

12:41 p.m.

Blogger Erskine said...

Prose lists are highly underrated.

9:39 p.m.

Blogger Lor & Josh said...

The Raven is a fav of mine too for that very same reason! imagine that. congrats for beating the flu and for still being married to paul even though he doesn't return library books. such unconditional love.

Family, it's so good to have you back in blog land!

5:13 p.m.


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