"Among some talk of you and me...": A few of my favourite things

Monday, January 30, 2006

A few of my favourite things

Yesterday I went to send an e-card to someone, and I fell upon THIS: http://www.careerbuilder.com/monk-e-mail . If you have never sent a Monk-e-Mail, do it now.

Another gem from yesterday - MY TEAM. With the stellar efforts of former and current BBC giants Hooper, Billings, and my dear husband, combined with the equally stellar efforts of team members from our own congregation, something very pretty happened, musically and visually. I love it because not only do I know that God is honoured by it, but WOW, is it fun to lead that bunch! I have this piano player (who is also a Bethany alum, but from many years ago) who I can put anything in front of, and she's just like, "Yeah, I can play that" and then, boom, she does. It's phenomenal. Hymn style, contemporary, she's right there. And it used to be just written music, which is great, because I can just use Finale to write out piano parts for her in any key. But her ability wiht chord charts has shot right up too, so I can just say, "less, more, or like Alanis Morissette" and she's right there. BAM.

I love my other team, too, though. It has more of the "still developing" musicians on it, but my goodness, are they developing! A little more stress and effort to make those weeks happen musically, but having Billings on guitar helps a TON, because it means I don't have to russle up a drummer or guitar player (putting my husband on one or the other, depending on who I can get) - so I'm guarenteed a solid core, allowing my developing musicians to have an easier learning experience.

So, things aren't all bad in my life, despite what this Blog might indicate. In fact, I've got it pretty easy here. I was kind of kicked in the teeth with that knowledge when I talked to my dear friend and pastor in Calgary this week on the phone, and heard about the continuing struggles out there. My church may have its struggles in abundance, but at least it has money and people. The little Calgary plant doesn't. But Calgary is one of my favourite things, so I needed to mention it.

I reconnected with some roommates briefly today. I am so glad Alison is not dead. Roommates are some of my favourite things. I have a lot of them, so that's good.

My class at BBC - definite favourite. Sarah (a roommate) is putting bugs in people's ears about a 2.5 year class reunion at the resort where we took our class trip, so that we might enjoy another murder mystery there. Our previous trip was one of my favourite memories ever (besides my wedding and a few other special days). I would love to do it again, and see those people again. And maybe this time, WE'LL solve the mystery! ("Caesar will serve you!")

Monk-e-Mail, great teams, Calgary, roommates, BBC classmates. Add my husband and my cat, and perhaps LITERATI from Yahoo!Games, and voila, a few of my favourite things.


Blogger Sarah Gomez said...

WOW! you went public with the news of Samoset a lot sooner than I was going to! It was just a swirling idea in my head as of yesterday. Now it's official :S I hope I can go!!

6:35 p.m.

Blogger Erskine said...

If you cram in the syllables, you can even sing a few of your favorite things in this post like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music, which I never recommend.

8:56 p.m.

Blogger Sarah Gomez said...

Heard anything from anyone regarding a 2.5 year reunion???

5:04 p.m.

Blogger Alison said...

YOU are one of MY favorite things roommate!!! I love you so much and I so need to catch you up on all my craziness, but since it changes every day it's hard. Mostly I think I just need to call you. Maybe I'll do that tonight... do you have a land line I can call?

2:34 p.m.


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