"Among some talk of you and me...": Short update

Monday, January 08, 2007

Short update

Things that have happened recently:
1. We survived Christmas Eve (morning and evening service)
2. We went to Halifax to visit Paul's parents, and brought our kitten Pajamas, who fell down the stairs (kind of) and cut her head open. She's fine now.
3. We went to Ontario to visit my mom, and again brought our kitten Pajamas, who fell down no stairs and learned how to growl and hiss from my cat in Ontario (she's very cute when she does that, unlike Ontario cat who sounds like an old curmudgeon (which he is))
4. We left our old Neon "Little Tank" in Ontario
5. We brought home our new Kia, still unnamed, and got it registered and plated today
6. I talked to Lindsay today --- she was at a dig in Egypt (she's getting her PHD in Eqyptology, and is back in Egypt again doing practical stuff). Lindsay was my best friend in, I think, the third grade. She moved away, then came back for the 8th grade, then promptly moved again. I recently searched for her randomly on the internet, found a vague reference in a three-year-old university syllabus, emailed the professor, and the next thing I knew I received an email from Lindsay herself. Very cool.
7. I ate asparagus today for breakfast. Highly recommend.


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